Debunking Zionist Narratives: Judaism, Race and Lineage
How Zionist Promote a Racist Ideology
Zionists assert that contemporary Jews are the exclusive heirs to the covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. . Many Zionists advocate for support of the Israeli state, which they perceive as a realization of biblical prophecy. Those who do not endorse this support are often categorized as racists and accused of anti-Semitism. However, Zionism is itself an anti-Semitic and racist ideology. For Jews to be the exclusive heirs of Abraham would mean they are either a distinct race. Or they are a pure and unbroken genealogy. However, both of these ideas are in opposition to science, history and genetics.
In this post, we will examine research which shows the notion of racial categorization is a contemporary social construct primarily rooted in Darwinism. Furthermore, we will show that genealogically all individuals on Earth today can trace their lineage back to Abraham.
Note: due to the fact that this is a sensative topic, we want to stress that it is important to emphasize that ancient Israel was in some small way a genealogy via blood family ties, but mostly a covenant family of many people. Old Testament Israel was welcoming of the stranger who wanted to become part of Israel and join the covenant promises. Contemporary Judaism is likewise welcoming of those who wish to become Jewish.
Additionally, the Tribe of Judah constituted only a portion of Israel, representing only one of the twelve tribes. If the principles of Zionism were accurate, the land currently recognized as modern Israel would belong to all of Israel, rather than one tribe. The Northern Tribes assimilated with the surrounding Nations or “gentiles” and were subsequently reintegrated through evangelization efforts in the first century. In this way, all Israel is complete.
In light of this, we have compiled a selection of quotations from Jewish sources, encyclopedias, DNA research, and genealogical studies to address and refute the misconceptions propagated by Zionist narratives regarding race and lineage.
Races do not Exist:
“The findings of physical anthropology show that, contrary to the popular view, there is no Jewish race” (Patai, R., Director of Research, Theodor Herzl Institute, New York. “Encyclopedia Britanica”, 12: 1054, 1969).
“A common error and persistent modern myth is the designation of the Jews as a ‘race’” (Roth, C., Oxford University Reader in Jewish Studies, 1939- 1964, in: “Jews”, “Collier’s Encyclopedia”, 13: 574, 1991).
Historically, numerous individuals have embraced Judaism as their religion, which challenges the notion that Jewish identity is solely tied to race or genealogy. Proselytizing was also common in Ancient Israel and remains common in Judaism:
“There can be little doubt that the scattered Phoenicians in Spain and Africa and throughout the Mediterranean, speaking as they did a language closely akin to Hebrew and being deprived of their authentic political rights, became proselytes to Judaism. For phases of vigorous proselytism alternated with phases of exclusive jealousy in Jewish history. On one occasion the Idumeans, being conquered, were all forcibly made Jews. There were Arab tribes who were Jews in the time of Muhammad, and a Turkish people who were mainly Jews in South Russia in the ninth century. Judaism is indeed the reconstructed political ideal of many shattered peoples – mainly Semitic…. The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea” – H.G. Wells (The Outline of History, p. 505).
We show that all bio-localization analyses have localized AJs to Turkey and that the non-Levantine origins of AJs are supported by ancient genome analyses. Overall, these findings are compatible with the hypothesis of an Irano-Turko-Slavic origin for AJs and a Slavic origin for Yiddish-frontiers
“It is a common assumption, and one that sometimes seems ineradicable even in the face of evidence to the contrary, that the Jews of today constitute a race, a homogeneous entity easily recognizable. From the preceding discussion of the origin and early history of the Jews, it should be clear that in the course of their formation as a people and a nation they had already assimilated a variety of racial strains from people moving into the general area they occupied. This had taken place by interbreeding and then by conversion to Judaism of a considerable number of communities…Thus, the diversity of the racial and genetic attributes of various Jewish colonies of today renders any unified racial classification of them a contradiction in terms. (Encyclopedia Judaica Jerusalem, 1971, vol. 3, p. 50).
“The origin of the Ashkenazi Jews, who come most recently from Europe, has largely been shrouded in mystery. But a new study suggests that at least their maternal lineage may derive largely from Europe….Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England.” -
Curiously, a 2013 study of the maternal origins of Ashkenazi Jews suggests that their ancestors were prehistoric European women from the Northern Mediterranean—and not the Middle East or the Caucasus, as other research has posited. The study analyzed mitochondrial DNA (loops of genetic material passed down from mother to child in tiny organelles carried by their eggs)…..Led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Leeds in the UK, the research suggests that 40 percent of the variation in Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA can be traced to prehistoric Europe, indicating that the maternal ancestors of most modern Ashkenazi Jews converted to Judaism some 2,000 years ago. –
As a trained geneticist, he became convinced that there are not and never were human races. In the last twenty years, an increasing number of anthropologists and biologists have reached the same conclusion. They argue that there is no way to genetically characterize race, because no human population has ever been isolated long enough from other populations to avoid “crossbreeding.” The history of the Jews, in particular, supports this thesis. From Day One they had children with non-Jews. Hence, biologically, Jews are not different from non-Jews. –
Ashkenazi Jews are not exclusively from the middle east. This branch of Judaism makes up the largest portion of Modern Israelis. In Judaism, genealogical ancestry is traced through the Mother. However, Patrilineal descent was the method used by the ancient Israelites in tracing family lineages. This method is biblical and is still practiced by the Samaritans and Karaite Jews. Matrilineal lineage was adopted just after Jesus’ time during what is known as the Tannaitic period – 70–250 A.D:
Historical evidence marshalled by Professor Shaye J. D. Cohen indicates that a change from a patrilineal to a matrilineal-based principle for the offspring of mixed unions of Jew and gentile took place in the 1st century (c. 10–70 CE) times – Wikipedia and ProQuest
The mtDNA genealogy may even be considered to have particular relevance due to the matrilineal inheritance found in Judaism since at least ~200 CE and possibly several centuries earlier, helping to ‘fix’ incoming lineages from converts within the Ashkenazi community after this time. – A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages
The four founding mothers in Judaism are Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel. However, Maternal lines of Ashkenazi Jews have been studied, revealing that the maternal line or four founding mothers were mostly European women who lived about 1,000 years ago:
A 2013 study at the University of Huddersfield, led by Professor Martin B. Richards, concluded that 65%-81% of Ashkenazi Mt-DNA is European in origin, including all four founding mothers, and that most of the remaining lineages are also European. The results were published in Nature Communications in October 2013. The team analyzed about 2,500 complete and 28,000 partial Mt-DNA genomes of mostly non-Jews, and 836 partial Mt-DNA genomes of Ashkenazi Jews. The study claims that only 8% of Ashkenazi Mt-DNA could be identified as Middle Eastern in origin, with the origin of the rest being unclear. –
If we allow for the possibility that K1a9 and N1b2 might have a Near Eastern source, then we can estimate the overall fraction of European maternal ancestry at ~65%. Given the strength of the case for even these founders having a European source, however, our best estimate is to assign ~81% of Ashkenazi lineages to a European source, ~8% to the Near East and ~1% further to the east in Asia, with ~10% remaining ambiguous… Thus at least two-thirds and most likely more than four-fifths of Ashkenazi maternal lineages have a European ancestry.[64] – Wikipedia, and NY Times
Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.- A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages
There is surprisingly little evidence for any significant founder event from the Near East. Fewer than 10% of the Ashkenazi mtDNAs can be assigned to a Near Eastern source with any confidence, and these are found at very low frequencies – IBID
The age estimates for the European founders might suggest (very tentatively, given the imprecision with present data) that these ancestral Jewish populations harboring haplogroup K and especially N1b2 may have had an origin in the first millennium BCE, rather than in the wake of the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE. In fact, some scholars have argued from historical evidence that the large-scale expansion of Judaism throughout the Mediterranean in the Hellenistic period was primarily the result of proselytism and mass-conversion, especially amongst women – IBID
The concept of racial categorization is associated with Darwinism
The perception of Jews as a distinct race is rooted in Darwinian theory. This concept of Darwinism, or evolution, was utilized in Nazi propaganda to assert that other ethnic groups were inferior to the so-called “Aryan race.”
“Humans differentiate, classify, and discriminate: social interaction is a basic property of human Darwinian evolution. Presumably inherent differential physical as well as behavioral properties have always been criteria for identifying friend or foe. Yet, biological determinism is a relatively modern term, and scientific racism is, oddly enough, largely a consequence or a product of the Age of Enlightenment and the establishment of the notion of human equality. In recent decades ever-increasing efforts and ingenuity were invested in identifying Biblical Israelite genotypic common denominators by analysing an assortment of phenotypes, like facial patterns, blood types, diseases, DNA-sequences, and more. It becomes overwhelmingly clear that although Jews maintained detectable vertical genetic continuity along generations of socio-religious-cultural relationship, also intensive horizontal genetic relations were maintained both between Jewish communities and with the gentile surrounding. Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify.” –
Race and genetics form their own double helix, twisting together through history. The Nazis, as everyone knows, justified the death camps on the grounds that Jews and Gypsies were genetically inferior—but what is less known is that the Nazis took their cue from eugenics legislation passed in the United States. Here, race is defined primarily by skin color. Since that’s a genetic trait, the logic goes, race itself must be genetic, and there must be differences that are more than skin deep…..But that’s not what modern genetics reveals. Quite the contrary, it shows that race is truly skin deep. Indeed, genetics undermines the whole concept that humanity is composed of ”races”—pure and static groups that are significantly different from one another. Genetics has proven otherwise by tracing human ancestry, as it is inscribed on DNA……Mitochondrial DNA indicates that all living humans descend from one maternal source—christened Mitochondrial Eve—who lived in Africa between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago. Similarly, the Y chromosome shows that all men have a common ancestor, Y-chromosome Adam, who lived at the same time. (Actually, both analyses indicate that modern humans descend from a small founding population of about 5000 men and an equal number of women.) The time estimates are based on assumptions on how frequently genetic mutations occur. The mutation clocks of mitochondrial DNA and the Y chromosome tick at different speeds, so the fact that they both indicate humans emerged at the same historical moment makes this evidence much more convincing……
Past research was conducted with a bias towards promoting a Zionists narrative:
…a comparison of articles about human population genetics written and published by Israeli scientists between 1951 and 1963 with similar articles written by non-Israelis. The comparison reveals that during this period the Israeli human geneticists and physicians emphasized the sociological and historical aspects of their research and used their work, among other things, as a vehicle for establishing a national identity and confirming the Zionist narrative. – Population genetics in Israel in the 1950s. The unconscious internalization of ideology
All humans share the same ancient ancestors:
If we could trace our lineage back just a few thousand years, we would come to a common set of ancestors.
Ralph and Coop identified 1.9 million shared segments of DNA that were millions of base pairs long, proving their owners were related. They were then able to estimate how long ago their common ancestor lived from the length of the segment…..”The length of a shared DNA sequence shows how closely, or distantly, two people are related,” Ralph said. “Thus DNA sequences shared with parents are the longest, those shared with grandparents are half as long and those shared with great-grandparents half as long again and so on….”So the longer ago an ancestor is, the shorter the chunk is likely to be.”…”Our research confirmed what Chang suspected—that everybody who was alive in Europe a thousand years ago and who had children, is an ancestor of everyone alive today who has some European ancestry,” Ralph said….Ralph and Coop calculated that these shared segments showed ancestors stretching back some 3,000 years, or 100 generations. This lends support to Chang’s calculation that by expanding his model from living Europeans to everyone alive on Earth, an all-ancestor generation would have occurred some 3,400 years ago. –
At seven generations back, less than 1% of your DNA is likely to come from any given ancestor. –
Abraham lived roughly 3,900 years ago. At only 3,400 years ago, we share the same few same ancestors. Genealogically, we are ALL Abraham’s descendants.
A British computational biologist recently confirmed that everyone living on earth today is related to everyone else on the planet, much more closely than previously thought…..Twenty generations ago, approximately 1400 AD, it is estimated that the world population was about 10,000,000 people. Going back another four generations, we find each person alive today has 16,777,216 direct line ancestors, or over ½ million more ancestors than there were people in the world. –
All humans can trace their family tree back to a surprisingly small group of common ancestors. Every person on Earth’s most recent common ancestor might have died less than 2000 years ago…
In fact about 80% of the people at that time in the past will be the ancestors of everyone in the present. The remaining 20% are those who have had no children, or whose children have had no children, and so on – in other words, people who were genetic dead-ends….Apply that to the case of King David. According to this model, he would be a common ancestor of the whole population of the Holy Land somewhere between 20 and 35 generations after his life. That’s even without Solomon sowing his seed so widely….That’s why everyone alive in the Holy Land at the time of Jesus would have been able to claim David for an
How far do we have to go back to find the most recent common ancestor of all humans alive today? Again, estimates are remarkably short. Even taking account of distant isolation and local inbreeding, the quoted figures are 100 or so generations in the past: a mere 3,000 years ago..IBID
A new DNA study shows that everyone alive on the earth today shares common ancestors only 1,000 to 2,000 years ago…
In summary, the position of Christianity over the past two millennia has been that there exists only one Israel, which is the body of Christ. This concept transcends issues of race or lineage. Judaism is defined as a religion; thus, an individual is considered Jewish by virtue of practicing Judaism or through familial ties to the faith. Similarly, a person may identify as Catholic either through conversion or having been baptized as an infant.
It is also important to note that the other tribes mentioned in the Old Testament did not identify as Jewish. The Tribe of Judah represented only one of the tribes among the ancient Israelites, indicating that not all of Israel was Jewish.
Finally, Christianity does not serve as a replacement for Old Testament Israel; rather, it embodies the fulfillment of what Israel was intended to be. It encompasses both the Israelites of the Old Testament who anticipated the arrival of the Messiah and those who came to believe in Him after His earthly ministry. According to the Scriptures, Jesus is the exclusive heir to the promises made by God to Abraham. We become heirs when we place our faith in Jesus and commit to following Him.
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