Our site is about exactly what the url says; Uncomplicated Chrisitanity. Our site is on the bible, early Christianity and apologetics against modern false doctrines.
There is only one way, one truth, one covenant, one bride and one Kingdom.
We uphold the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.
Who we are:
We common people, not Scholars or ordained Ministers, who have spent years trying to navigate the myths, history of Christianity, and false teachings.. We believe in the value of the early Christian writings, known as the early Church Fathers, and of knowing at least some Christian history. In our internet age, especially with social media, it is very easy for Christians and non-believers to learn many myths about Christianity, along with a mixture of differing expressions of the faith and even false teachings. Along with this, the fact that there is over 2,000 years of history to weed through, can make this a very time consuming task. Our path has been one of curiosity and discovery, as we wanted to know the unbiased, real, historical and biblical stance of all these varying positions. This is how our website was born. .
We have a true desire to grow and learn spiritually, while also navigating the many expressions of Christianity with an unbiased and balanced view, so that we can learn what is truth and what is not. We are not claiming authority. We simple write about what we believe, what evidences we have found and what we have researched, in the hopes that it will help others in their Christian journey.
We are “unchurched” or no longer denominationally churched Christians. We would allign best with Protestant Anglicanism/Methodism in practice. We practice house Church in our home. We see the value in institutionalized churches for some, and home church for others. Yet we believe that we are called to be the Church first and foremost and that there is a great lukewarmness in Christianity today. We believe going back to the primitive era of Christian practice may be the best approach to revitalizing true faith for many people.
We are amillenial. Trinitarian. Or as a phrase I once read said, “Gospel Practioners”.
We feel that Christians should reflect what they believe in how they live. As the Bible says, “you will know them by their fruit”. We hold to Prima Scriptura.
As such do not subscribe to modern political labels. We are Christians. We are called to be peaceful and good citizens of our Nation on Earth – whereever that may be. Yet, if you want to call us anarchist, then so be it.
What we believe:
We believe as the bible says – the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. All people are called to make disciples. All people are called to some form of ministry via the gifts of the spirit. Ministry is going forth and making disciples, not exclusively institutionalized. As John Wesley said: “The World is my Parish”.
We believe: “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity”.
We uphold the Apostle Creed and the Nicene Creed.
We believe that one can not earn their salvation, however a true Christian will be a light to the world. Through cooperationg with the Holy Spirit, will be changed to that of love. We will seek to be like Christ and to grow in the Holy Spirit (Grace). Good works and a turning from sin will result.
We believe one can attend a Church or have Church in their own home, under a tree or anywhere else as long as they are serving and worshipping God.
Material on our site:
We have on this site, a library of the Early Church Fathers along with our own post. We currently have Early Church Fathers Quotes by Topic, to research what the early church believed about doctrine and Christian lifestyle.
We also have the complete Ante Nicene Fathers.
We also have quotes from various scholars, ministers, historians and others on the existence of Christ, the crucifixion, the ressurection, as well as apologetic material for use in evangelizing against Zionism, Islam, Atheist and others.
You will find many of John Wesley’s sermons and writings also on this site because we believe he truly wanted to go back to “primitive christianity” and he mirrored it well in his set up of meeting houses and methodist societies.
We believe in a balanced approach to history, Christianity and to not “throw out the baby with the bathwater” as they say. If something is new, if it was not taught from the beginning and in the early history of the Christianity, then that is a huge red flag.